Carola Eberle-Leskovar
Pictures on Sand represent themselves as “Earth Pictures”, as opposed to watercolours and other works on paper that are dedicated to the elements of water, air, light and colour.
This technique was developed by the artist in many years of experimental work with different processes and materials. Through time, sand, stone and other natural materials prevailed a more important role and independence in the picture. Representing elements disappeared more and more. In this sense, one could designate these pictures as Concrete Art. On the other hand, the symbolism of the materials used plays an important role and lends the reality of the picture`s surface a mysteriously encoded component which represents a challenge to the spectator's internal vision.
"Carola Eberle- Leskovar is like an archeologist of the soul. With much intuition, she pursues the traces of the past to the present and further into the future. She exposes archaic symbols, which are anchored in human beings since prehistoric times and transfers them like cryptographs into her work. In her work she sets the short period of life of the individual against the age of the rocks, sand and earth."
Dr. E. Frick (original text in German)
Born 1944. 1963-67 studied Painting at „The Academy of Art“ in Ljubljana, Slovenia (Prof. Marij Pregelj). Diploma 1967.
1967-71 studied Textile-Design at the „Technical College“ in Reutlingen, Germany.
After completing a Masters degree in Art, first employment as a Textile Designer.
Proceeding the birth of a son and a daughter, build up an “Art school for children” in Pforzheim, Germany.
1980 moved to Switzerland with the family, began to work as an independent artist.
1983 moved to Augsburg, Germany. Intensive artistic work with many group and one-person exhibitions. Sold art pieces to public and private collections. Began teaching Art at the Public College and as Assistant of the professor at Technical College for Architecture in Augsburg.
1994 moved to Rosenheim, Germany. Continued with Studio work and teaching Art. Many one-person and group exhibitions and different projects “Art & Business”.
Numerous trips in Europe, to America and Africa to maintain stimulation and inspiration for the art work. Especially important are the landscapes and cultures of the desert.
2004 still residing in Rosenheim, Germany in the “Blue House” with its Art studio.
Regular Art Exhibitions Gallery “Toskanische Säulenhalle” Augsburg, Germany
Several Art Exhibitions Gallery “Rathaus“ Donauwörth, Germany
Several Art Exhibitions Gallery “Brecht Haus” Augsburg, Germany
Regular Art Exhibitions “Artists in the Castle “, Schloss Wertingen, Germany
Regular Art Exhibitions Friedberg, Germany
Regular Art Exhibitions Gallery “Odeon”, Marktoberdorf, Germany
Several Art Exhibitions Gallery “Die Ecke”, Augsburg
Gallery “Landratsamt” Aichach, Germany
Several Art Exhibitions “Artists in the Monastery”, Kloster Irsee, Germany
1985 Gallery “Junge Galerie” Augsburg ,Germany, (one-person exhibition)
1986 Gallery “Hofgartensaal der Residenz”, Kempten, Germany
1989 Gallery “Torhaus Galerie“ Braunschweig, Germany
1989 “BBK in Köln”(Professional Artists Union), Köln, Germany
1990 “BBK im Stadtmuseum Emden”(Professional Artists Union) , Emden, Germany
1990 Gallery “Galerie im Schloss”, Bobingen, Germany (one-person exhibition)
1990 Gallery”Yanagizawa” Tokyo, Japan (Professional Artists Union)
1991 Gallery“Mestna Galerija” Ljubljana, Slovenia
1993 Gallery“Treppenhaus Galerie”, Augsburg, Germany (one-person exhibition)
1994 Art Exhibition “Frühjahrssalon”, 4 invited artists, Kaufering, Germany
1994 “Interhospital” Fair Hannover, Project Material Collages (one-person exhibition)
1998 Gallery “Rauchhaus”, Seeon, Germany (one-person exhibition)
2000 and 2001 Gallery “Office Design Schwadke” Kolbermoor, Germany (one-person exhibition)
2001 Gallery “Kunstmühle” Rosenheim, Germany
2001 “Culture and Congress Center” Rosenheim, Germany (one-person exhibition)
1998, 2002 and 2004 Projects “Art & Business” (Collages and Paintings with special materials)